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Solnhofen Fossils for Sale

Solnhofen Fossils for Sale  – . Solnhofen is a municipality in Bavaria in Germany.

The local area is famous in geology and paleontology for the Solnhofen limestone that used to be quarried commercially for Lithographs, paving stones and other uses.

During the course of the commercial activity it was discovered that there were fossils entombed in the limestone.

This is a very fine-grained limestone from the Jurassic period which is an exceptionally fine Lagerstätte that preserves detailed fossil specimens. T

he most famous fossils that have been found is the early feathered theropod dinosaur, the Archaeopteryx. There are only 13 known specimens of the Archaeopteryx.

The fossils of these deposits are among the best preserved and most famous in the world that preserves a rare assemblage of fossilized organisms, including highly detailed imprints of soft bodied organisms such as sea jellies.

We are proud to offer one of the largest selections of Solnhofen Fossils for sale on the internet. Our offerings include Fossil Ammonites, Fossil Brittle Starfish, Fossil Insects, Fossil Starfish just to name a few.

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