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Roman Sling Bullet for Sale #14


  • Genuine Roman Sling Projectile
  • Guaranteed Authentic
  • Certificate of Authenticity Available on Request
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  • Roman Sling Bullet – Projectile
  • 1st – 4th Century
  • This deadly bullet comes housed in the 3.25″ x 4.25″ Riker Mount with Label as Shown and measures 1.43″ long
  • More Roman Artifacts

The first ever bullets, these oblong lead projectiles were designed and deployed by the Romans in their conquests. Roman Soldiers were trained rigorously in the art of the shepherd sling, A.K.A. the Original Slingshot. These projectiles proved deadly when fired on any enemy that was within range of the slings. Roman Archers were very accurate and would utilize these slings in addition to their archery skills. According to recent experiments, these projectiles had nearly the same stopping power of a .44 magnum handgun!

Slingshot is a famous weapon in the first century, generally lead slingshots went out of fashion during the 2nd century AD. Among the soldiers trained for this weapon were archers that used them in conjunction with the bow.

Ancient Roman Soldier with Slingshot that shows how the sling was held and readied for battle

Roman Soldier with Slingshot

The slings were made from two long cords held in the throwing hand, attached to a pouch that holds the ammunition. The slings could hold several bullets giving the thrower a scattergun effect. These weapons were also used very effectively in close-quarter combat.

It goes by many names, but no matter what you call it, the Sling is a tried and true weapon through the ages.