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Morocco Scyphocrinites Crinoid Plate #13


  • Genuine Fossil Crinoid
  • Guaranteed Authentic
  • Certificate of Authenticity Available on Request
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Morocco Scyphocrinites

  • Species:  Scyphocrinites elegans
  • Upper Silurian Age
  • Erfoud, Morocco, North Africa
  • The plate measures 8.5″ long and the crinoid fills the entire length.  100% Natural Plate!
  • MORE Crinoids Fossils for Sale

Scyphocrinus, is an extinct genus of crinoids. Species belonging to this genus lived during the Silurian as well as Devonian periods (from 443.4 to 358.9 Ma).  In addition they also had a floating sphere that keeps an animal afloat in water. Unlike other crinoids, Scyphocrinites hung upside down at the surface.


Because of their “flower like” appearance, crinoids have been referred to as “sea lilies”.  However they are in fact animals. But Crinoids belong to the phylum Echinodermata.

Morocco Scyphocrinites

Drawing By William I. Ausich