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Metaphysical Stone: Unakite

Original price was: $2.50.Current price is: $1.00.


18 in stock


  • Mineral/Gemstone: Unakite
  • Location: Zimbabwe
  • Metaphysical Gemstone Properties: Unakite is a stone of vision. It balances emotions with spirituality. Unakite provides grounding when needed. It facilitates rebirthing, gently releasing conditions that inhibit spiritual and psychological growth. Unakite supports convalescence and recovery from major illness.  Unakite attunes to the earth and provides a slow, steady source of energy for healing and renewal. It not only supports the physical structure of the heart, but gently gets to the root cause of disease or health issues caused by the emotional heart, particularly deep-seated feelings that have been repressed, such as anger and resentment.
  • Price per Stone
  • Stones measure approx. 3/4″ – 1 1/4″ each