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Madagascar Ammonite Pair 4.65″ ~ #125


  • Genuine Fossils Madagascar Ammonite
  • Guaranteed Authentic
  • Certificate of Authenticity Available on Request
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Madagascar Ammonite

  • Phylloceras sp.
  • Middle Cretaceous Age (110 Million Years Old)
  • Mahajanga Province, Madagascar
  • This beautiful cut & polished specimen shows off  the internal chambers as well as the sutures!
  • This each half of the ammonite measures 4.65″ wide (YOU GET BOTH HALVES)
  • MORE Ammonites for Sale

In this case the whole ammonite was sliced in half and polished.  As a result you are able to see the beautiful chambers as well as the incredible colors.  Because some of the chambers are hollow you can see crystals present as well.

Cretaceous Age Cleoniceras Ammonite from Madagascar

What did Ammonites look like?