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Isocrinus oregonensis Crinoid #1


Genuine Keasey Isocrinus oregonensis
Guaranteed Authentic
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Isocrinus oregonensis

  • Species:  Isocrinus oregonensis                                                                                                     .
  • Oligocene Age
  • Keasey Formation
  • Mist, Oregon
  • This RARE CRINOID from a RARE LOCATION is highly detailed, however due to the nature of the carbonates the crinoid itself dissolved away.  In this case the entire crinoid is preserved as an impression in the light-weight matrix.  The matrix measures  9″ long
  • More Crinoids for Sale

Because of their “flower like” appearance, crinoids have been referred to as “sea lilies”.  However they are in fact animals. But Crinoids belong to the phylum Echinodermata.

Isocrinus oregonensis

Drawing By William I. Ausich