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Ammonite Fossils for Sale

Ammonite Fossils for Sale. Ammonites are a group of extinct mollusk animals.  They are in the class Cephalopods. They are closely related to modern squids, octopuses and cuttlefish.  The name “Ammonite” was derived in part from the shape of their shells which look like coiled rams’ horns.  Ammonites appeared during the Devonian Age and became extinct after the Cretaceous Tertiary Extinction Event 66 million years ago.  We offer a large selection of Fossil Ammonites for sale from the Madagascar, Morocco, the United States and other locations.

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Ammonites are an extinct group of marine invertebrate animals similar to the modern nautilus. (Cephalopoda) Like the nautilus, ammonites had a soft body with tentacles that emerged from a hollow chambered shell utilized in the manner of a submarine’s ballast tanks. Ammonites are often identified by their shell ornamentation and the structures of the wall that divide the shell’s chambers.

This video is of X-Large Perisphinctes Ammonite #22. Many more videos are available on our YouTube Channel.