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Dinosaur Egg Collection – Set of 3 #5


  • Genuine Dinosaur Egg Shells
  • Guaranteed Authentic
  • Certificate of Authenticity Available on Request
  • Money Back Guarantee

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Dinosaur Egg

  • Fossil Egg Shell Collection
  • Set of 3 Different Dinosaurs
  • Cretaceous Age
  • Collection will contain a piece of the following Dinosaurs:  Oviraptor, Hypselosaurus, and Megaloolithius
  • The collection will come in the 4.25″ X 5.25″ Riker Mount with Labels as Shown
  • MORE Fossil Eggs for Sale
  • Trace fossils include burrows and other dwelling structures, as well as track marks (such as footprints or evidences of creeping or crawling).  In addition coprolites (fossilized feces), eggs and eggshells, nests.  Finally rhizoliths or rhizocretions (fossil remains of roots), and other types of impressions.

Dinosaur Egg